Sam’s Top Tips for FY 2025

Ive been talking to thousands of decision makers in the past 12 Months and it’s been great to get the low-down on what the movers and shakers have been seeing in the marketplace.   I’ve condensed my analysis into 5 key insights which I hope you’ll find useful. Read on and let me know what…

Sam’s Top Tips for FY 2025

Ive been talking to thousands of decision makers in the past 12 Months and it’s been great to get the low-down on what the movers and shakers have been seeing in the marketplace.   I’ve condensed my analysis into 5 key insights which I hope you’ll find useful. Read on and let me know what…

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By Sam Hely

RECRUITMENT • 25 June 2024

Meet the team

Ive been talking to thousands of decision makers in the past 12 Months and it’s been great to get the low-down on what the movers and shakers have been seeing in the marketplace.


I’ve condensed my analysis into 5 key insights which I hope you’ll find useful. Read on and let me know what you think.

  1. There are more candidates on the market – However, the best candidates are harder than ever to tempt away from their current employer.


  • So, you want that perfect ‘unicorn’ candidate? Of course, these people are rarely ‘active’ on the market. Why – Because the heady days of 2021 and early 2022 are long gone and candidates know that c30-50% pay rises are not on the table.  If they have a stable job and they’re doing well, they’ll need a real incentive to leave. In a climate of redundancy, the best performers are rarely at risk; they’ll often stay put until an amazing job offer comes to them.


  • Sam’s top tip: Really get to know what your perfect applicant’s drivers are and personalise the candidate experience. Show them you know them and invest time and energy in helping them to buy into your values and vision.


  1. Tech Firms are mandating 4-5 days in the office


  • A lot of my contacts, especially sales leaders are telling me that getting the team back in the office at least 3 days a week has been instrumental in their success this year. The market has turned and there’s masses of pressure on teams.  Having your team together more often going to yield results, especially in a tight market.  Maybe not a popular decision but one that is being made more and more frequently.


  • Sam’s top tip: Mandating 5 days in the office isn’t going to go down well. Plan ‘surge’ days where everyone is together and make them count with coaching, workshops and a team exercise.  Be available for your team on those days and invite questions and interaction.


  1. Offshore Talent Is Driving Growth


  • There’s no doubt that budgets are tight, and funding is harder to come by. Investors, Boards and the C-Suite are driving for profitable growth.  High calibre local talent will always be the key to success and many forward-thinking early-stage firms are looking to move non-core and support roles offshore.  TFG has saved clients on average 70% through Outsourcing SDRs, Sales Support, MDR, Accounting and many other roles.  I tip this to be a massive growth area for SaaS in 2025.


  • Sam’s top tip: Plan for success – Offshore teams are awesome, and you need to invest time and energy to make them work. Document the roles and design clear workflows.  Engage your offshore team and embed them in your culture – Here’s how : How to Manage your Offshore team


  1. Hands on Coaching is back, baby!


  • In the post covid ‘jobs boom’ filling seats took priority over almost everything. Companies scrambled to secure candidates and quite often plugged them into a virtual learning platform with very little hands on leadership.  In 2025, the most effective sales leaders will be giving real time feedback, jumping on client zooms and helping their teams to get to the number.  No more hiding behind a spreadsheet and waiting for a weekly 1-2-1


  • Sam’s Top Tip: During Covid we all got used to virtual training and some companies really nailed it. However, there will never be a substitute for sitting with your team and helping them in real time.  As a young professional I’ve really benefitted from my bosses giving me the right feedback in real time.  Even if it hurts sometimes!


  1. Finally – Time is the killer of all things recruitment


  • After really sharpening their processes in 2021, companies have gone back to protracted processes, hiring for experience rather than potential and generally making the candidates’ life a misery. The battle for talent is about too hot-up again and you’ll need to be switched on if you want the best talent. We are already chatting to clients who are looking to ramp their teams in the second half of 2024.


  • Sam’s Top Tip: If you want the best candidate, you need to move fast and make them feel good. Don’t waste the candidates (and your own) time with countless interviews.  If you like the candidate, focus on them and sell! Simple!

What do you think? You can share your thoughts with me directly at

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